Exterior Painting

Transform your home or building in a day

Lic # 1098718 - INSURED & BONDED

Expertise in Exterior Painting Services

When it comes to achieving a gorgeous and durable finish on the exterior surfaces of your home, Painting H&M is the go-to company. With a wealth of experience in offering top-notch residential exterior painting services to homeowners in Los Angeles and neighboring areas, our team is fully capable of assisting you in transforming the outdoor surfaces of your home. Professional exterior home painting not only enhances the visual appeal of your residential property but also provides extra protection to your home's exteriors.

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Exterior Painting Services Process

Our commitment at Painting H&M  is to guarantee the proper preparation of the exterior areas of your home before initiating our exterior painting process. Our  exterior painting process involves a series of essential steps.

  • Firstly, we conduct a comprehensive inspection of your home's exterior surfaces to assess the extent of the project.
  • Following this, we employ power washing techniques to effectively eliminate any mold, mildew, dirt, algae, and other debris from all surfaces.
  • Additionally, we meticulously remove any damaged surfaces or decaying wood, replacing them with new materials.
  • To prevent moisture intrusion, we carefully remove and replace deteriorating caulk with new caulk, ensuring that all cracks and seams are properly sealed.

Subsequently, we proceed to paint all surfaces using suitable exterior paint. Once the painting is finished, we take responsibility for cleaning up the area and disposing of any debris. Finally, we conduct a final walk-through to ensure that our residential exterior painting services meet your expectations.

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Why Choose Us for Exterior Painting Services?

 When the time comes to hire Painting H&M Painters for your exterior house painting needs, an experienced estimator will be sent to your residence. This estimator will meticulously gather all the relevant details about the project.

The exterior of the house will be painted as soon as possible.

The estimator will supply you with a timeline for the project.

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Happy Customer Latest Exterior Painting

Exterior Painting Services in Los Angles

Proudly transforming homes and buildings into dream spaces from the beautiful Hills of Beverly for the past few years!

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